Month: May 2014

Tips and Tricks for Summer Home Cooling

Summer is here in full force in California, and with that being said so is the high cost of running that expensive yet wonderful air conditioner, but did you know there are ways to keep your A/C cost down and not turning your home into a sauna?

Tip Number One: Make sure your windows and doors are fully closed while your A/C is running, Getting your home professionally inspected is the most efficient way of going about this, but if you have noticed a draft by a closed door or window that is a sign that not only can the hot outdoor air get in, but the cool air you are putting into your home is escaping outside! causing you to run your air conditioner longer.

Tip Number Two: All about fans, whether they be installed ceiling fans, whole house fans, or just floor fans that you can move from room to room, these guys are a life saver. Not only moving air around your room, or directly towards you, with fans in place you can turn your thermostat four degrees warmer and still feel the good cool air.

Tip Number three: This one that some cant avoid, using dryers, ovens, and anything else that has to heat to a high temperature to work during the cooler times of day, be that early morning, or after the sun has gone down. The amount of heat that these machines put off raises the indoor temperature causing your A/C to run longer trying to fight the constant heat.

Tip Number Four: Turning off your electronics, Now while this may seem like a no brainier,  some electronics still use electricity even after they have been shut off! This causes your electric bills to rise all while you think you are keeping them down. Try shutting your computer down completely instead of taking it to standby, Or unplugging things that aren’t being used, Lamps, Televisions, Radios, Phone chargers, ect.

Tip Number Five: This isn’t really a tip, but more like a yummy suggestion, Keep ice pops or Popsicles on hand when you know the weather will be quite hot out, Not only will you have a nice little treat, but also something that will cool you down without you having to worry about the bills later! You can even make them yourself with your favorite juice, an ice tray, plastic wrap, and tooth picks!


If you need any help with electrical renovations and how to stay energy efficient this summer in southern California? please visit our website at and we will be more than happy to give you a free estimate on what you would like done!